
How Much To Get Your Teeth Done

A lot of people associate cosmetic dentistry with vain, image-obsessed, Hollywood celebrities. However, it is not superficial or shallow to get your teeth done. There is nothing wrong with wanting to look good or have a brighter smile.

Furthermore, cosmetic dentistry is not always about your looks. Getting your teeth done can improve your speech, your bite, and your overall dental health.

The following are some of the reasons why you should get your teeth done:

1. Make a positive first impression

Research shows that the first thing a stranger looks at when they meet you is your eyes, followed by your teeth, and then your hair. The details they gather help them make assumptions regarding your general health and your success. These details can be important when you are looking for a job or when you want to land a business deal.

However, a lot of people spend more money on their hair than theirteeth. Most of the assumptions that people make about you based on the appearance of your teeth are not true. Fixing your teeth can change these opinions and set such people straight.

2. Improved self-confidence

Even something as small as whitening your teeth can give your confidence a major boost. You will no longer be afraid to laugh or smile in public.

3. Recovery from injury

Sometimes, injury or traumatic events can damage your teeth. Falling flat on your face could cause you to chip a tooth, and a car accident could result in a few missing teeth. Cosmetic dentistry ensures you do not have to live with these injuries for the rest of your life. Dental crowns and dental implants can repair any damage done to your teeth and give you a new smile.

4. Psychological benefits

A lot of people get bullied by friends and peers because of their crooked or missing teeth. Others have negative psychological associations with the state of their teeth.

For example, a recovering drug addict may still have a lot of missing teeth due to their drug addiction. Getting your teeth fixed can help you heal psychologically from the bullying, or give you new teeth to match your new drug-free life.

5. Overall comfort

Problems with your teeth do not just affect your smile. Impactedteethcan be very painful, crowded teeth can be uncomfortable, and chipped teeth can be very sensitive to hot or cold liquids. A cosmetic dentist can use a number of techniques, including extraction, bonding, veneers, and dental crowns, to reduce your discomfort.

6. Allow you to enjoy your favorite foods

It is hard to enjoy your favorite ice-cream sundae if your teeth are chipped or cracked. It can also be difficult to enjoy hard foods if you have weak or broken teeth. Getting your teeth done can fix these issues so that you can eat your favorite snacks. However, even after fixing your teeth, you should still consume certain foods, such as sugary drinks and acidic fruits, in moderation to prevent further damage to your chompers.

Schedule an appointment today

There is no denying that getting your teeth done improves your looks and your smile. However, there are many other benefits you can get from cosmetic dentistry. You can have a better career, a better love-life, an improved social life, and better self-esteem if you get your teeth done.

Considering all the advantages, cosmetic dental procedures offer a great return on investment. For more information or to schedule an appointment with us, call (323) 431-2322. Our dental office is located in Los Angeles. Call A Briter Smile today.

How Much To Get Your Teeth Done


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